Stay healthy

Diabetes, heart attacks, varicose veins, skin damage - all these common diseases can be detected much earlier if you take advantage of our quick and inexpensive health check. So get the good feeling that everything is all right.

Our check-up services in detail

Blood analysis: 

Keep your blood calm

"Blood is a very special juice". We all know this famous saying from Goethe's "Faust". But how well does this vital current actually work in your organism? Give us a few minutes. Then you know what's going on and you can rest easy.

The Madonna Pharmacy blood analysis contains data on blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, hemoglobin, uric acid, lactic acid, and free radicals

Of course, we won't let you go without a blood pressure reading

If your values differ, we will either help you directly or recommend that you consult your doctor.

Skin analysis 

How to get away with healthy skin

Many people are content with skin care with water, soap and a cream from the supermarket - until the skin resists, until it dries, greases, stains, flakes or itches. Don't let it get that far. Examine the condition of your skin in good time. The sooner you start, the better.

The Madonna Pharmacy specializes in professional skin analysis. We determine the skin lipids, the moisture content, the supply of nutrients, the pigments, the structure, the protective function of the horny layer, the elasticity, the pH-value and, and, and, and.

Based on your skin type, we will then put together a care programme. You will quickly feel the progress - in yourself and in the reactions of your fellow human beings.

Make an appointment with one of our cosmetic consultants on 0471 976 74.

May we help you?

Pharmacy Madonna

Portici 17 

39100 Bolzano

Open throughout

Mo-Fr  8:30 - 19:00

Sa  8:30 - 12:30

Farmacia Madonna Bolzano Srl 

Fon +39 0471 97 67 49

Fax +39 0471 98 08 24

info (at)

Instagram @farmaciamadonnaapotheke
WhatsApp Farmacia Madonna Bolzano
Farmacia Madonna Apotheke Bozen Bolzano
Health Check




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