Dear Customers

Welcome to the Madonna Pharmacy

For more than 500 years you can find us in the historical centre of the old town of Bolzano. This great heritage has been our commitment for generations. Because we preserve the good for you and at the same time meet the challenges of the future. 

In addition to the many preparations, products and services of a modern health care system, we still carry a wide range of our own recipes, tinctures and tea blends.

Our motto is: We are at the service of your health.

Your pharmacist Dr. Maximin Liebl

State-of-the-art pharmacy behind historic façade

After extensive restoration, reconstruction and expansion, the Madonna Pharmacy now presents itself as a contemporary health centre. Our customers should feel comfortable in a bright, generously designed ambience and casual atmosphere. In quiet zones we take our time for trusting conversations and treatments.

Pharmacy cosmetics and dermatological advice are a central part of our extensive range. However, our highly specialized employees are also well prepared regarding other health issues. 

Here are some data about the Madonna Pharmacy:

17 employees, 

thereof 1 licensed pharmacist and 4 licensed pharmacists

400 square meters of sales and storage area

15,000 products in store or in stock

May we help you?

Pharmacy Madonna

Portici 17 

39100 Bolzano

Open throughout

Mo-Fr  8:30 - 19:00

Sa  8:30 - 12:30

Farmacia Madonna Bolzano Srl 

Fon +39 0471 97 67 49

Fax +39 0471 98 08 24

info (at)

Instagram @farmaciamadonnaapotheke
WhatsApp Farmacia Madonna Bolzano
Farmacia Madonna Apotheke Bozen Bolzano
Our Pharmacy




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