For a healthy life 

Health is our most precious commodity. In the Madonna Pharmacy we make sure that this source of power bubbles for a long time,

  • with homeopathic, herbal products, which we manufacture individually for you according to tried and tested recipes, 

  • with our great knowledge of alternative medical products and gentle medicine, 

  • with our own teas in , with our own house specialities medicinal quality or the original "English miracle balm",

  • with blood tests, skin analyses and vein function measurements, 

  • with targeted travel medical advice, 

  • with profound knowledge about active substances, dosages and side effects, 

But that's not all. What else we can offer you? 

Our tip!

Stop by at the Madonna Pharmacy during your next city stroll!

  • Take a pack of our good teas with you. 

  • Let us advise you on travel medicine.

  • Make a skin analysis.

Prevent, feel good, live longer

We do not only want sick people to become healthy, we also want healthy people to stay healthy and older people to live better and longer. 

That's why we

  • improve our product range and services on the topics of "special nutrition" and "controlled weight loss"

  • offer orthopedics- and sanitary-articles 

  • the department of dermo-cosmetics has been expanded, where our experts will put together a care program that protects your skin and slows down the ageing process.
May we help you?

Pharmacy Madonna

Portici 17 

39100 Bolzano

Open throughout

Mo-Fr  8:30 - 19:00

Sa  8:30 - 12:30

Farmacia Madonna Bolzano Srl 

Fon +39 0471 97 67 49

Fax +39 0471 98 08 24

info (at)

Instagram @farmaciamadonnaapotheke
WhatsApp Farmacia Madonna Bolzano
Farmacia Madonna Apotheke Bozen Bolzano




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