Our tip

Do you know that 

"Economy class syndrome? 

If not, then you should definitely read on below.

Mobile through healthy legs

Healthy legs mean mobility and independence. Preserve this important piece of quality of life and pay more attention to the feet that carry all your body weight. The Madonna pharmacy will help you with a wide range of fitness and rehabilitation products, for example

  • with the all-round care of your feet from care to pharmaceutical treatment, 

  • with bandages that protect your bones and your joints, 

  • with everyday life aids, care aids and rehabilitation products such as walking sticks or hand gymnastic balls to strengthen the hand muscles, 

with wellness articles such as wedge cushions, seat rings, training bands ("TheraBand") or gymnastic balls.

Our stockings are made to measure

You all know the unpleasant feeling of a long flight. You sit for hours, narrowed down and can barely move. The blood supply to the legs is poor. In the worst case, a thrombosis develops, also called "economy class syndrome." 

You should therefore take precautions in good times with support and travel stockings or a "tailor-made" medical compression stocking from the Madonna pharmacy

Generally, vein diseases are widespread. However, phlebological and lymphological diseases are often ignored or inadequately treated with ointments. As a result, the clinical picture deteriorates creepingly. 

The late effects are thromboses or open legs.

May we help you?

Pharmacy Madonna

Portici 17 

39100 Bolzano

Open throughout

Mo-Fr  8:30 - 19:00

Sa  8:30 - 12:30

Farmacia Madonna Bolzano Srl 

Fon +39 0471 97 67 49

Fax +39 0471 98 08 24

info (at) farmaciamadonna.com

Instagram @farmaciamadonnaapotheke
WhatsApp Farmacia Madonna Bolzano
Farmacia Madonna Apotheke Bozen Bolzano




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