Our tip

We offer a wide range of gluten-free foods, including frozen products.

Ask our nutrition professionals, we bring variety into your diet. 

Our products taste great and keep you healthy

"Let food be your medicine and medicine your food," old Hippocrates already knew. That is why food and medicines form a whole, and that is why pharmacists are also well versed in nutrition issues. Precisely because they are confronted with many daily health problems.

Our nutritional range is therefore based on overall medical care. You will be surprised at how wide the selection is and how great it can taste. 

The range extends from gluten-free food for celiac patients to sports nutrition, health and wellness teas, diet foods and diet biscuits.

May we help you?

Pharmacy Madonna

Portici 17 

39100 Bolzano

Open throughout

Mo-Fr  8:30 - 19:00

Sa  8:30 - 12:30

Farmacia Madonna Bolzano Srl 

Fon +39 0471 97 67 49

Fax +39 0471 98 08 24

info (at) farmaciamadonna.com

Instagram @farmaciamadonnaapotheke
WhatsApp Farmacia Madonna Bolzano
Farmacia Madonna Apotheke Bozen Bolzano




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